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Oregano-Herbs seeds

Oregano-Herbs seeds

Regular price ₹50.00
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1.What Will You Have In The Product?

Quantity of seeds- 400+

In which season oregano seeds are sown in India?

Oregano grows well in cooler weather. So in india the best time to sow oregano seeds is from October to November however the month may vary from state to state according to the weather conditions.

Oregano has a crucial importance for it's enhancing the taste and aroma in dishes like fast food such as pizza pasta sauces, cuisine. Along with its this characteristics oregano has also health benefits as it has antimicrobial and contains antioxidants

2.Health benefits of oregano:

Beacuse of antioxidants, antibacterial and anti inflammatory and vitamins present in oregano, helps in good digestions and possess anti cancerous effects.It help to reduce cough and spasm.

3.How to do oregano gardeing on terrace garden in india or oregano gardening in home balcony in India?

The answer of how to grow oregano in home garden is very easy with some steps.Here step by step method is mentioned how oregano plant is grown from seeds in pots and in garden soil also.

4.In which location oregano grows well?

If you are going to grow oregano in garden with well drained soil select a loaction where the place get sunlight of atleast 6 hours.

If you have a limited space and want to grow oregano and add to your food for having a good flavour you can grow in a pot keeping it indoor which should be located at the window getting enough sunlight.

5.What Pot Size is best for growing oregano in home? 

Growing oregano herb plant in balcony or for terrace garden the minimum pot it requires should be 6-8inches deep with same dimensions in diameter or you can use any container like plastic buckets, old plastic bottles or anything else of size more than the above sizes discussed with a drainage hole provision at the botton of oregano growing container. This size if pot for oregano allows enough space for good growth and spread.

6.Which type of Indian soil is suitable for growing oregano herb seed ?

For growing oregano seeds loose well drained soil with pH ranges from 6.0 to 8.0. free from weeds is suitable for oregano cultivation. A good loose soil and excess water draining soil is good for the fast growth of oregano plant. If you are having lack of this type of soil you should mix organic mannure to the soil  to make your existing soil rich.

7.What is the correct time to show oregano herb seeds in india?

We should sow the oregano seeds when the temperature is mild. At the time when the temperature falls is the best time to sow oregaono seeds.

8.How to sow the Oregano seeds in soil?

Oregano seeds are very tiny seeds so it should not be sown so deep into the soil as it will affect the germination of oregano seeds. Just spread the seeds over the soil and cover them with a thin layer of soil, the soil covering should not be more than 1/4inch.

9.Water requirement for oregano:

Provide medium watering with water spray bottle so that the sown seeds will not get misplaced from their original shown position. Continue regular watering as per needs to the soil till the seeds germinate. The another way to find the water requirememt is by seeing the top soil layer  upto 2 inches feels dry then provide water.

10.In what time oregano seeds get germinated?/In how many days germination of oregano seeds takes place?

Germination of oregano seeds takes place in 14 days.

11.When Harvesting of Oregano is done?

Once the plant is established well you can start harvesting of the oregano leaves. Snip off the leaves as per your requirement but avoid to harvest leaves more than 1/3rd of the plant at a time it may harm to your herb plant.

In morning the oregano leaves are full of flavor so it is the best time to harvest the leaves.

12.Planting and care of oregano herbs to be done: 

  • Always keep watering to the soil
  • Place the pot in a sunny location.
  • Keep removing the weeds from the pot.
  • During winter bring your pot of oregano indoor as this culinary plant may not thrives during winter.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Such pretty baby plants!

I had sowed the seeds on Dec 17, and it has been 5 days and I can see shoots with tiny red leaves coming up through the soil. Such as delightful site!
I believe I sowed them a little deeper than I should have but I am very impressed with the germination rate.
I look forward to fresh oregano soon! 🌱


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