Asiatic Lily Mix Flower - 3 Bulb
Asiatic Lily Mix Flower - 3 Bulb
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What Will You Have In The Product?
Bulb quantity- 3
Asiatic Lily Red color flower -1
Asiatic Lily White color flower-1
Asiatic Lily Pink color flower -1
The combination of these three colors of asiatic lily in your flower garden would be definitely good choice to bloom in your garden. Planting of bulb is very easy without any more effort just a little care is required for blooming this beautiful flowers of asiatic lily. Asiatic lily flower will bloom every year when the summer season get starts.
When To Plant Asiatic Lily Flower Bulb: This Beautiful Flower's Bulb should be planted in winter so that it will bloom at the start of the summer or late spring season
Planting Tips of Asiatic Lily Flower Bulb:
It is very basic and common question for the new gardeners who are interested in gardening but unaware from the question like how to plant bulbs in soil and where to plant the winter flower bulbs what are the climatic conditions to plant the bulbs in India. For all these queries of customers the answers is here.
Size of pot for asiatic lily bulb: For planting asiatic lily flower bulb take pot size vary from medium to large (12-20 inches). Benefits of using large sized pots is that gardener can plant 2-3 bulb at a time in same pot.
Provide good drainage to pots: For good drainage you can place a pot shard or clay marble in inside bottom of the pot.
How to prepare your soil media:Prepare your well drained and loose loamy soil media for planting your beautiful flower bulb. If you don't have such soil add some amount of sand and organic manure like vermicompost to your existing natural soil media.
Fill this prepared soil partially in you selected pot and lightly press the soil just to make the soil level.
How to plant Asiatic Lily Bulb in soil: Now press the bulb lightly into the soil and. But please keep in mind to place the bulb flatter side towards the face of the pot wall.
Now fill your soil media into the pot to cover the tips of the bulb.
Provide water in such a manner it should not get logged in the pot. Keep the soil moist as per the flower requirement.

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